Daily Reading Comprehension Practice | Set 2 | Print & Digital


This Daily Reading Practice resource, offers valuable reading comprehension practice for students. There are six weeks worth of reading practice for a total of 30 passages! Each page includes a brief reading passage and comprehension questions. This can be used for morning work, homework, exit tickets, reading centers, and more! The digital version is included in Google Forms, with an included answer key.

The practice questions are organized by reading skill, and each week focuses on a different skill. The skills follow the same layout and pacing as my 3rd-5th grade reading units. However, regardless of which curriculum you teach, students will benefit from these reading review questions. In each assessment, at least two of the comprehension questions focus on the featured skill of the week.

  • Week 1: characterization
  • Week 2: setting
  • Week 3: plot
  • Week 4: nonfiction text features
  • Week 5: nonfiction text structure (cause & effect and compare & contrast)
  • Week 6: nonfiction text structure (sequential order and problem & solution)

Total Pages: 66
File Size: 9 MB