4th Grade Geometry Unit | Print and Digital


Help your students to develop a conceptual understanding of geometry with this two week (10 day) geometry unit! Fourth Grade Math Unit 7 Students will develop an understanding of geometry: types of angles, types of lines, symmetry, and properties of quadrilaterals.

This individual unit is also available in my 4th Grade Math Bundle.

This product includes two weeks of math instruction that is written in an easy to follow format. The lessons are written to give students a solid foundation of the concept of geometry through engaging and hands-on lessons. In this unit you will find performance tasks to conceptually teach new skills through the workshop model, as well as work station activities, decimal printables, and games for review.

What’s Included?

  • Unit at a Glance
  • 10 Lesson Plans that include performance tasks
  • 10 Skill Building Worksheets
  • Answer Keys

Table of Contents

Pg. 3 Teacher Notes & Unit at a Glance
Pg. 4 Vocabulary Study Guide
Pg. 5-15 Vocabulary Booklet-Version 1
Pg. 16-18 Vocabulary Booklet-Version 2
Pg. 19-21 Lesson 1-Monster Symmetry
Pg. 22-24 Lesson 2-Alphabetical Symmetry
Pg. 25-26 SP-Symmetry Practice
Pg. 27-29 Lesson 3-Types of Angles (acute, right, and obtuse)
Pg. 30-31 SP-Identify the Angle
Pg. 32-33 Lesson 4-Finding Lines in Maps (parallel and perpendicular)
Pg. 34-35 SP-Types of Lines Sort
Pg. 36-37 Lesson 5-Lines Art Project
Pg. 38 SP-I Spy a Line
Pg. 39-40 Lesson 6-Types of Triangles (isosceles, equilateral, scalene, right)
Pg. 41-42 SP-Triangles Practice
Pg. 43-45 Lesson 7-Grandfather Tang’s Story
Pg. 46-47 SP-Quadrilateral Practice
Pg. 48-52 Lesson 8-Sorting Shapes
Pg. 53 SP-Drawing Quadrilaterals
Pg. 54-61 Lesson 9-Geometry Stations
Pg. 61 SP-Spin a Shape
Pg. 62-63 Lesson 10-Geometry Park

Check out these other 4th Grade Math Units!

Standards Taught

  • 4.G.1. Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.
  • 4.G.2. Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.
  • 4.G.3. Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.

Lessons Include: standard, materials, mini lesson, work time, closing, intervention, extension, essential questions, and formative assessments.

Total Pages: 64
File Size: 38 MB



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