
4th Grade Math Bundle | Conceptually Teach All Math Standards | Print & Digital

Original price was: $73.00.Current price is: $65.70.

This 4th Grade Math Bundle is a year long resource for conceptual math instruction in math workshop, guided math, or any math class. There are eight units that are each centered around a different mathematical concept: 1. Place Value and Rounding; 2. Addition and Subtraction; 3. Multiplication; 4. Division; 5. Fractions; 6. Decimals; 7. Geometry; 8. Measurement.

Each Lesson Includes:

  • Unit at a Glance
  • Detailed Lesson Plans that include performance tasks
  • Skill Building Worksheets
  • Answer Keys

This has been aligned to the Common Core Standards, Georgia Standards of Excellence, and TKES. There is a TKES guide included in the preview!

Unit 1 Place Value and Rounding Unit

This unit includes three weeks of math instruction that is written in an easy to follow format. The lessons are written to give students a solid foundation in representing numbers in written form, standard form, and expanded form, as well as the value and place value of numbers through the millions place. Students will also determine the relative size of digits. There is also a week of rounding instruction. In this unit you will find performance tasks to conceptually teach new skills through the workshop model, as well as work station activities and games for review.

Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction Unit

This includes two weeks of math instruction that is written in an easy to follow format. It includes numbers through 999,999. In each activity, students will problem solve and apply what they know about addition and subtraction to real world problems and situations.

Unit 3 Multiplication Unit

This includes four weeks of math instruction that is written in an easy to follow format. The lessons are written to give students a solid foundation in finding factors and multiples of numbers, multiplicative comparison, and multiplying 2-digit, 3-digit, and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, as well as multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. Students will learn to multiply larger numbers through box models, area models, and partial product.

Unit 4 Division Unit

This includes five weeks of math instruction that is written in an easy to follow format. The lessons develop students’ understanding of representing long division through base-ten blocks, multiplication, and place value. The lessons are written to give students a solid foundation of the concept of division, and dividing 2-digit, 3-digit, and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Students will learn to divide larger numbers through box models, area models, and partial product.

Unit 5 Fraction Unit

Help your students to develop a conceptual understanding of fractions with this five week fraction unit! Students will further their understanding of fractions, as well as compare fractions, generate equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions, and multiply fractions. This unit includes five weeks of math instruction that is written in an easy to follow format. The lessons are written to give students a solid foundation of the concept of fractions through engaging and hands-on lessons.

Unit 6 Decimal Unit

Help your students to develop a conceptual understanding of decimals with this four week decimal unit! Students will develop an understanding of decimals and general number sense. The unit allows students to understand how decimals relate to fractions, how to read and draw decimal models, as well as how to compare decimals.

Unit 7 Geometry Unit

Help your students to develop a conceptual understanding of geometry with this two week geometry unit! Students will develop an understanding of geometry: types of angles, types of lines, symmetry, and properties of quadrilaterals.

Unit 8 Measurement Unit

Help your students to develop a conceptual understanding of measurement with this four week measurement unit! Fourth Grade Math Unit 8 Students will develop an understanding of measurement and general number sense. The unit allows students to understand how to measure and draw angles with a protractor, that angles are additive, the concept of area and perimeter, how to convert multiple units of measure, and how to represent data with a line plot.

Total Pages: 1156
File Size: 160 MB



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