3rd-5th Grade Reading Unit 6 | Culmination of Learning


Check out the preview for five FREE lessons! In addition to the traditional PDF file, this product ALSO includes pages that are ready for Google Classroom! I’ve placed all student printables into Google Slides.

This detailed six week reading unit is 100% aligned to the Common Core Standards but can be used with any state standards (including TKES). The combination of all six of my reading units will teach all of the Reading Standards for Literature and Reading Standards for Information.

What’s Included?

This is a 6-week unit that is broken down to day by day lessons. This last unit of the year includes a review lesson for all of the reading for literature and reading for information standards. Each lesson contains directions for a mini lesson, independent reading time, and closing. There is also an additional handout or guided practice activity for most of the lessons.

That’s not all!

Each week of the unit also includes the following:

  • reading choice board for homework
  • fluency passage
  • vocabulary words and vocabulary quiz

Total Pages: 131
File Size: 16 MB


Check out the year long bundle!