Fantastic Fall Lessons

These fantastic fall lessons are not Halloween based lessons. If you’re looking for Halloween ideas, be sure to check out this post. This post share many ways to have fun with your students during this busy fall season. It also includes THREE free printables!

Fall Lessons-November Writing Prompts

These November writing prompts are sure to be a hit with your students! All of the prompts are written to encourage divergent and critical thinking. You can print the prompts as full size pages, and I’ve designed them so they can also be printed as booklets that fold in half. I’ve used these as a morning work activity, early finisher activity, and no matter how I use them, my students love them. You can download the November Journal Prompts for free here.

If you prefer a task card format of the creative writing prompts, I’ve got those too! This is the same prompts written in a different format. Students can write in a journal, on notebook paper, or in their writing notebooks. You can download those for free here.

Fall Lessons-Thanksgiving Choice Board

The week before Thanksgiving Break I incorporate a Thanksgiving Choice Board into my instruction. I love choice boards because of the ownership students receive from choosing which assignments they complete. I designed the choice board very intentionally, so that no matter which activities students choose, they’ll still participate in a meaningful tasks. Of course, each of the activities can be used as a stand alone activity and used without the choice board.
I like to have students choose one activity from each row, which will require everyone to complete one writing, one language arts, and one math activity from the choice board. You can read more about these lessons here!

Fall Lessons-Multi-Step Word Problems

I also like to add a set of fall themed multi step word problems to my guided math centers. I love using anything that will help prepare my students for extended constructed response problems. These task cards have a fall theme without any holiday reference, so they can be used anytime in September-November.

Thanksgiving Math

I’ve also made an entire packet just for Thanksgiving math. In one activity, students partition pies into halves, thirds, fourths, etc. Then, students can solve fraction word problems based on the pies. I didn’t use this activity when I taught third grade, because I hadn’t taught fractions yet, but I am able to use this activity for my fourth graders.

Turkey in Disguise

Of course, a student favorite will always be Turkey in Disguise. This is one of those projects you can make elaborate or as complex as you want. Some years I keep it simple and students simply color a disguise on their turkey, and other years I sent it home and let students go all out. You can download the Turkey in Disguise printable here.
The fall season is such a fun one, and there are plenty of great holidays that happen during this season to teach in the classroom! This blog post is full of fantastic fall lessons that you can use in upper elementary during those beautiful fall months. Click through to check out all of the lessons for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade English language arts and math.
If you do the turkey activity, you don’t want to miss reading Turkey Trouble to students. I never really “got” the disguising turkey activity until I read Turkey Trouble, which is such a cute book. I don’t think students ever outgrow this book.
The fall season is such a fun one, and there are plenty of great holidays that happen during this season to teach in the classroom! This blog post is full of fantastic fall lessons that you can use in upper elementary during those beautiful fall months. Click through to check out all of the lessons for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade English language arts and math.
Hopefully, you’ve gained a few good ideas on how to keep students engaged and having fun throughout the month of November!

1 thought on “Fantastic Fall Lessons”

  1. I love your monthly creative thinking task cards. I have downloaded all of the monthly cards you have posted this year except for September. I can’t find them on your site. Would you please send me the link to download them? Thanks!

    Brian Hook
    4th grade teacher, Los Angeles

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