Opinion Writing Lessons

Opinion writing lessons can be fun for students and teachers. Opinion writing gives children something they can really get excited about, because they ALL have strong opinions! In this post I share some of my favorite opinion writing lessons and activities. I typically begin teaching opinion writing lessons after my informational writing unit, which you […]

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Teaching informational writing

Informational Writing Lessons

When I first started teaching, informational writing was one of my least favorite units to teach. I could spend months on narratives but would have been happy to skip informational writing altogether. Part of my problem was that I misinterpreted writing workshop training and was under the impression that students should just start writing. I’d

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Introducing Paragraphs and Writing Instruction

Introducing Paragraphs

Introducing paragraphs is never easy, especially at the beginning of the year. I always struggle at the beginning of the year with determining how long to spend teaching rules, procedures, and various classroom management lessons. These management lessons are essential for a smooth school year. I’ve tried to skip some of these lessons in the

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Reading For Fluency Strategies

Reading for fluency is an important component of reading instruction. Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, with proper phrasing, and with expression. It is important for readers, because it allows students to comprehend what they read, rather than focusing decoding words. Fluent readers recognize words automatically, group words quickly, use appropriate

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Narrative Writing

Narrative Writing Lessons

Narrative writing lessons are my favorite writing lessons! They are also a great way to get to know students on a deeper level. However, without highly structured narrative writing lessons personal narratives aren’t always easy for students to writ. Children have a tendency to write a list of events, rather than a fully developed narrative.

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