How do you manage your time?
I work like a crazy person. Just ask my husband. I am not good at sitting still and just relaxing. I do try to just my time as efficiently as possible. I work all summer long on school things, so that when school starts, I’m as organized and prepared as possible. When I’m at school, I try to use my time wisely. I love to chat with my friends, but if I’m talking I’m still going to be working on something. I also try to keep everything I do purposeful and simple. It’s so easy for me to get caught up in little things that won’t make a significant difference for my students, but I’m learning that it’s not realistic to expect myself to do everything that I see on Pinterest.
Another one of my most important rules for myself is to NOT work on TpT over spending time with my family. I try to utilize bedtime and nap time for my TpT and blogging work. Here’s a pic of me working on vacation!
What program do you use to create your products?
I make everything on my Macbook Pro, and I almost always use Powerpoint.
Where do you get your clipart?
I love buying clipart and have way too much! The picture below shows some of my favorites!
What program do you use?
We don’t have any textbooks in my school, so the only real program I follow is my state’s curriculum map.
How do you plan for the year?
This is easier answered in a blog post. You can read about that here.
What homework do you give?
I don’t like giving a lot of homework, but I do give a little. It’s pretty much expected from my students’ parents, and I like my my students’ parents to see their child at work. I give a spiral language review worksheet, and a spiral math review worksheet each week.
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